Encosta norte
Portuguese Pão-de-Ló Route
Portugal is a country rich in gastronomy and sweets; a very Lusitanian characteristic, of serving and delighting those at the table.
Nature in Noudar
Come to Barrancos to uncover a well-kept secret – Noudar Nature Park.
Next to the Guadiana River and close to the border, Alandroal is a place of tranquillity and peaceful days by the Alqueva Lake.The name is said to have originated from a plant known as “alandro” or “aloendro” (oleander), a species
Na margem direita do Tejo, Belver é facilmente reconhecível na paisagem pelo perfil do castelo, um miradouro de excelência sobre o vale do rio. Belver significa “bela vista”, nome atribuído pelo rei D. Sancho I, no séc.