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Number of results: 1321

  1. Monuments
    Capela do Senhor dos Passos - Monchique
    This small chapel, topped with two bell-towers, evinces the unassuming style of popular architecture. Inside there is a life-size statue of Christ.

  2. Monuments
    Capela dos Ferreiros, anexa à Igreja matriz de O. do Hospital
    Church from the 13th / 14th c. in gothic style.

  3. Capela dos Ossos
Place: Campo Maior
Photo: CM Campo Maior
    Capela dos Ossos - Campo Maior

    Telephone: +351 268 680 319
    E-mail: turismo@cm-campo-maior.pt
    Website: http://www.campomaior.pt

  4. Monuments
    Capela romano-gótica de São Salvador
    The Capela de São Salvador, built in the Romanesque-Gothic style, is a remarkable work of architecture. The two high, wide, round and chamfered arches that formed the spans of its single nave have resisted the ravages of time. These robust arches (...)

  5. Casa do Colombo
Place: Porto Santo
    Museums and Palaces
    Casa Colombo Museu do Porto Santo
    Porto Santo was the first island to be discovered by the Portuguese during the voyages of discovery ordered by Prince Henry the Navigator in 1418. Knowledge of the island, however, already existed, given that it was first documented in the Atlas (...)

    Telephone: +351 291 983 405
    Fax: +351 291 983 840
    E-mail: casacolombo@netmadeira.com
    Website: http://www.museucolombo-portosanto.com/home.html

  6. Casa da História Judaica de Elvas
    Museums and Palaces
    Casa da História Judaica de Elvas
    House of Jewish History of ElvasThe House of Jewish History of Elvas pays tribute to the influential Jewish community of the town, and is located in a building that in the 16th century was transformed into the Municipal Butcher's Shop. Although (...)

    Telephone: +351 268 622 236
    E-mail: turismo@cm-elvas.pt
    Website: https://www.cm-elvas.pt/descobrir/cultura/museus/casa-da-his (...)

  7. Museums and Palaces
    Casa da Inquisição – Centro Interativo da História Judaica
    House of the Inquisition - Interactive Centre of Jewish HistoryThe House of the Inquisition Interactive Centre reveals the Jewish memory in the medieval town of Monsaraz. Despite the designation that persists by local tradition, an Inquisition Court (...)

    Telephone: +351 927 997 316
    E-mail: turismo@cm-reguengos-monsaraz.pt​
    Website: https://www.cm-reguengos-monsaraz.pt/locais/espanol-casa-da- (...)

  8. Museums and Palaces
    Casa da Memória da Presença Judaica em Castelo Branco
    Jewish Presence Memorial HouseThe Jewish Presence Memorial House honours and tells the story of a community that greatly contributed to the development of Castelo Branco in the Middle Ages and Modern Age, its memories and legacy.The visit starts (...)

    Telephone: +351 272 323 033
    E-mail: museu@casadamemoriajudaica.pt
    Website: https://www.casadamemoriajudaica.com/

  9. Casa da Memória de Guimarães
Place: Guimarães
Photo: CM Guimarães
    Museums and Palaces
    Casa da Memória de Guimarães
    The Casa da Memória of Guimarães is a center of interpretation and knowledge that exposes, through the exhibition Territory and Community, various perspectives of the memory of a place. Located in the old plastic factory Pátria, in Av. Conde (...)

    Telephone: +351 253 424 716
    E-mail: geral@casadamemoria.pt
    Website: http://www.casadamemoria.pt

  10. Museums and Palaces
    Casa da Memória Judaica da Raia Sabugalense
    Jewish Memorial House of the Sabugal borderLocated in Largo do Castelo do Sabugal (Sabugal Castle’s Square), the Jewish Memorial House occupies the building of the former Casa do Castelo (Castle House). Over two floors, explanatory panels (...)

    Telephone: +351 271 751 040
    E-mail: geral@cm-sabugal.pt
    Website: https://www.cm-sabugal.pt/camara-municipal/equipamentos/cult (...)


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