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Number of results: 3751

  1. Tourism in the Country
    Aldeia Turística de Louredo - Casa do Palheiro, S. Francisco e D. Margarida

    Telephone: +351 914 609 118
    Fax: +351 253 649 330
    E-mail: info@aldeiaturisticadelouredo.com.pt
    Website: http://www.aldeiaturisticadelouredo.com.pt

  2. Tourism in the Country
    Aldeia Turística do Codeçal - Casa Dina

    Telephone: +351 91 763 27 23
    E-mail: aldeiadocodecal@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.aldeiadocodecal.com

  3. Tourism in the Country
    Aldeia Turística do Codeçal - Casa do Artista

    Telephone: +351 91 763 27 23
    E-mail: aldeiadocodecal@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.aldeiadocodecal.com

  4. Tourism in the Country
    Aldeia Turistica do Codeçal - Casa do Codeçal

    Telephone: +351 91 763 27 23
    E-mail: aldeiadocodecal@gmail.com

  5. Tourism in the Country
    Aldeia Turística do Codeçal - Casa Maria Magalhães

    Telephone: +351 91 763 27 23
    E-mail: aldeiadocodecal@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.aldeiadocodecal.com/

  6. Tourism in the Country
    Aldeia Turística do Codeçal - Casa Marie Silvia Juan

    Telephone: +351 91 763 27 23
    E-mail: aldeiadocodecal@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.aldeiadocodecal.com

  7. Tourism in the Country
    Aldeia Turística do Codeçal - Casa Mendel

    Telephone: +351 91 763 27 23
    E-mail: aldeiadocodecal@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.aldeiadocodecal.com

  8. Camping
    Alenquer Rustic Camping & Bungalows
    Alenquer Camping has bungalows, swimming-pools, playgound , a bar and a winemarket. Have fun and rest at Alenquer Camping.In Vinimercado you can buy bottled wines of Ribatejo for a very nice price.We have also a small bookstore with books about (...)

    Telephone: +351 93 498 79 54
    Fax: +351 263 710 375
    E-mail: camping@dosdin.pt
    Website: http://www.alenquercamping.dosdin.pt

  9. Alentejo Marmòris Hotel & Spa
Place: Vila Viçosa
Photo: Alentejo Marmòris Hotel & Spa
    Hotel accommodation
    Alentejo Marmòris Hotel & Spa
    At the heart of Alentejo, 180 km east from Lisbon and inserted into the historical town "Vila Viçosa", the Marmòris & Spa Hotel presents itself as the most luxurious new hotels of Portugal. Unique and distinctive.Unique Hotel in the world, a (...)

    Telephone: +351 268 887 010
    Fax: +351 268 980 125
    E-mail: reservas@alentejomarmoris.com
    Website: http://www.alentejomarmoris.com

  10. Hotel São Domingos
Place: São Domingos, Mértola, Alentejo
Photo: Hotel São Domingos
    Hotel accommodation
    Alentejo Star Hotel
    Set on the edge of Guadiana Valley's natural reserve, this former palace is surrounded by 5000 acres of beatiful countryside. Decorated with a blend of Alentejo and late Victorian Style. 6 gust rooms are situated in the old palace, the others 25 are (...)

    Telephone: +351 286 640 030
    Fax: + 351 286 640 039
    E-mail: recepcao@hotelsaodomingos.com
    Website: http://www.hotelsaodomingos.com


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