Number of results: 540 Results in the category "Events".
Shelter for Combatants, by Eugenio
The Eugenio de Almeida Foundation hosts the exhibition "Abrigo de Combatentes" by the Spanish artist Eugenio Ampudia, as part of the biennial (...)
Un Monde de Couleurs, David Kessel
With a brief stint in advertising design and illustration in the 70s, David Kessel makes the pictorial act the basis of his writing and the image his (...)
Middle Children, Hip Hop on the
This is the new exhibition at the Museum of Almada – Casa da Cidade and which is part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of (...)
Herbarium Seen & Dreamed
On display until April, in various spaces of the Serralves Museum, the exhibition Herbarium Seen & Dreamed aims to explore how scientists, (...)
Deconstructing Colonialism,
"Deconstructing Colonialism, Decolonizing the Imaginary. Portuguese Colonialism in Africa: Myths and Realities", will be on display at the National (...)
Vivian Suter – Disco
MAAT, in Lisbon, presents "Disco", an exhibition with more than 500 paintings by Vivian Suter – the Swiss-Argentine artist who explores the (...)
Anthony McCall – Rooms
MAAT, in Lisbon, presents "Rooms", the first solo exhibition by British artist Anthony McCall in Portugal. His work is developed in a space between (...)
My Pleasure, by Joana Villaverde
"My pleasure", by Joana Villaverde, are the artist's first works without any figurative and iconographic expression. The exhibition is composed of (...)
The Fairies, by Antero de Quental
The exhibition The Fairies, by Antero de Quental, with illustrations by Ana Ruepp, runs from November 2, 2024 to March 1, 2025, at Casa Antero de (...)