
Museums, Monuments and Sites

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Number of results: 1321

  1. Casa das Flores - Campo Maior
Place: Campo Maior
Photo: CM Campo Maior
    Museums and Palaces
    Centro Interpretativo das Festas do Povo - Casa das Flores

    Telephone: +351 268 680 319
    E-mail: turismo@cm-campo-maior.pt
    Website: http://www.campomaior.pt

  2. Museu Aberto
Place: Campo Maior
Photo: CM Campo Maior
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Aberto

    Telephone: +351 268 680 319
    E-mail: turismo@cm-campo-maior.pt
    Website: http://www.campomaior.pt

  3. CIFA - Centro de Interpretação da Fortificação abaluartada
Place: Campo Maior
Photo: CM Campo Maior
    Museums and Palaces
    CIFA - Centro Interpretativo da Fortificação Abaluartada

    Telephone: +351 268 680 319
    E-mail: turismo@cm-campo-maior.pt
    Website: https://campomaior.pt/centro-interpretativo-da-fortificacao- (...)

  4. Neonia
Place: Porto
    Museums and Palaces
    NEONIA Porto - Interactive Museum

    Telephone: +351 223 269 500
    E-mail: info@neonia.com
    Website: https://neonia.com/

  5. Casa do Parlamento - Centro Interpretativo
    Museums and Palaces
    Casa do Parlamento - Centro Interpretativo
    The Assembly of the Republic has a new space that can be visited by all citizens. Open to the public since April 25th, the House of Parliament-Interpretive Centre has four floors with the themes of Citizenship, Parliament, Democracy and Memory, (...)

    Telephone: +351 21 391 08 42 | 21 391 94 14 | 21 391 94 89
    E-mail: cip.educativo@ar.parlamento.pt
    Website: http://www.parlamento.pt

  6. Museums and Palaces
    MIAT - Museu Industrial e Artesanal do Têxtil de Mira de Aire
    The MIAT - Industrial and Handicraft Textile Museum aims to take visitors on a tour of the history of what was once one of the most important textile industry centres in the 20th century in Mira de Aire and Minde. The museum is located in the (...)

    Telephone: +351 244 449 269
    E-mail: miat@miat.pt
    Website: https://www.miat.pt/

  7. Museu Associação Académica
Place: Coimbra
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu da Associação Académica de Coimbra

    Telephone: +351 918 901 679
    E-mail: vasco.dordio@academica-oaf.pt
    Website: http://www.academica-oaf.pt

  8. Museu Castelo Alcoutim
Photo: Região de Turismo do Algarve
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Alcoutim - Núcleo de Arqueologia do Castelo da Vila
    The Alcoutim Municipal Museum integrates several exhibition nuclei such as Ethnography, Archaeology, Local History and Ancient Art.The Archaeology Museum Centre is installed inside Alcoutim Castle (Castelo de Alcoutim) and presents the exhibition (...)

    Telephone: (+351) 281 540 545
    E-mail: museu@cm-alcoutim.pt
    Website: https://museudealcoutim.pt/museu/nucleos/nucleo-museologico- (...)

  9. Museu Municipal de Aljezur
Place: Aljezur
Photo: ADPHA
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu Municipal de Aljezur
    The Aljezur Municipal Museum is housed in a 19th-century building that used to house the town hall. It has three distinct sections: archaeological, ethnographic and Islamic.Given the importance that the Islamic presence had in the creation of the (...)

    Telephone: +351 282990010 (Câmara Municipal de Aljezur)
    Website: https://cm-aljezur.pt/pt/menu/246/museu-municipal.aspx

  10. Castelo de Salir
    Castelo de Salir
    Located in a strategic and central place, between the coast and the mountains, Salir Castle was part of an important defensive system of Almohad castles in the Algarve, at a time of intense Christian military pressure. After the Portuguese king (...)

    Telephone: 289 400 600
    E-mail: cmloule@cm-loule.pt
    Website: https://www.cm-loule.pt/pt/151/castelo-de-salir.aspx


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