
Museums, Monuments and Sites

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Number of results: 1321

  1. Monuments
    Castelo de Santa Maria da Feira
    The Castle of Santa Maria da Feira is a remarkable Portuguese military monument. The diversity of the defensive resources that were used there between the 11th and 16th centuries make it a unique piece of military architecture, having been (...)

    Telephone: +351 256372248 | +351 226197080
    E-mail: castelosantamariafeira@gmail.com
    Website: http://www.castelodafeira.com/
    https://culturanorte.gov.pt/patrimonio/castelo-de-santa-mari (...)

  2. Museums and Palaces
    Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea - Museu Municipal de Tomar
    Created in 2004, through a donation by Professor José-Augusto França, this centre consists of paintings, sculptures, drawings and photographs, covering a chronological arc beginning in 1932. Works by Mário Eloy, Júlio and Almada Negreiros stand out, (...)

    Telephone: (+351) 249 329 814
    E-mail: turismo@cm-tomar.pt; museologia@cm-tomar.pt
    Website: https://www.visit-tomar.com/Places/Details/nucleo-de-arte-co (...)

  3. Archaeology
    Villa Romana de Sendim
    With its construction beginning in the second half of the 1st century AD, the Villa was profoundly remodelled from the end of the 4th century onwards, having resisted the Swabian and Visigothic domains in the 5th and 6th centuries, respectively. It (...)

    Telephone: +351 255 312 636
    E-mail: villaromana.sendim@cm-felgueiras.pt
    Website: https://cm-felgueiras.pt/viver/cultura/centro-interpretativo (...)

  4. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Raul da Bernarda
    The Museum is divided into two exhibitions, a temporary one, of themes related to the installation, and the permanent "Raul da Bernarda Ceramics Collection". This one registers and praises a heritage of more than 135 years, which unique and (...)

    Telephone: +351 925 651 638
    E-mail: museu.raul.bernarda@cm-alcobaca.pt
    Website: https://www.cm-alcobaca.pt/pt/pt/2734/museu-raul-da-bernarda (...)

  5. Museums and Palaces
    MUDAS. Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Madeira
    Installed since October 2015, this museum unit is the result of the transfer of the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Funchal. With a collection of about 400 pieces, dedicated to Portuguese contemporary art, from the 1960s to the (...)

    Telephone: (+351) 291 820 900
    Fax: (+351) 291 820 911
    E-mail: mudas@madeira.gov.pt
    Website: https://cultura.madeira.gov.pt/mudas-museu-de-arte-contempor (...)

  6. Museu de Fotografia da Madeira - Atelier Vicentes
Place: Funchal
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu de Fotografia da Madeira – Atelier Vicente’s
    A Museum based on one of the only two 19th century photography studios in Portugal, originally acquired in 1865 by Vicente Gomes da Silva (1827-1906). Its collection includes scenarios, cameras, specialised furniture, frames with original (...)

    Telephone: (+351) 291 145 325
    E-mail: mfm-avicentes@madeira.gov.pt
    Website: https://cultura.madeira.gov.pt/museu-de-fotografia-da-madeir (...)

  7. Museums and Palaces
    Museu da Farmácia - Lisboa
    Inaugurated in June 1996, in Lisbon, the Museum was born from the Portuguese Pharmacies' intention to preserve the history of their profession. In 1981, all pharmacies received an appeal from the Board of the National Association of Pharmacies to (...)

    Telephone: (+351) 213 400 688
    E-mail: museudafarmacia@anf.pt
    Website: https://www.museudafarmacia.pt/

  8. Museums and Palaces
    Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar
    The Atelier-Museum’s mission is to conserve, disseminate and deepen knowledge of the work of Júlio Pomar and foster debate around contemporary art, seeking to embrace the plurality of expressions to constitute the space. Acquired by the City Council (...)

    Telephone: +351 215 880 793
    E-mail: info@ateliermuseujuliopomar.pt
    Website: https://www.ateliermuseujuliopomar.pt/

  9. Museums and Palaces
    Sinagoga Medieval de Castelo de Vide
    Medieval Synagogue of Castelo de VideThe building believed to have been the ancient medieval synagogue of Castelo de Vide is now a museum and is one of the most emblematic of the town. Located at the intersection of Rua da Judiaria and Rua da Fonte, (...)

    Telephone: +351 245 908 220
    E-mail: turismo@cm-castelo-vide.pt
    Website: https://castelodevide.pt/2028/sinagoga

  10. Museums and Palaces
    Museu Judaico de Carção
    Carção Jewish MuseumThe Carção Jewish Museum is a small space about the memory and the Marrana life (term of Spanish origin, referring to Jews forced to convert to Christianity, but who professed the Jewish faith in secret) and the culture of the (...)

    Telephone: +351 966 197 194
    E-mail: paulo.carcao@gmail.com


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