


Number of results: 15230

  1. Coach Stations
    Terminal Rodoviário de Sete Rios

  2. CP - Comboios de Portugal (Gare do Oriente)
    Railway stations
    CP - Comboios de Portugal (Gare do Oriente)
    Located in Lisbon's Eastern zone, Oriente Station was designed as an intermodal station to support Expo’98 and was also intended as the city's main transport interface, integrating metro, train, a road terminal and parking.The station was designed (...)

    Telephone: +351 210 900 032; 808 109 110
    Website: http://www.cp.pt
    https://www.cp.pt/passageiros/pt/consultar-horarios/estacoes (...)
    https://www.cp.pt/passageiros/en/train-times/Stations/lisboa (...)

  3. Casa Mateus
Place: Vila Real
Photo: Porto Convention & Visitors Bureau
    Museums and Palaces
    Casa de Mateus
    Built in the first half of the 18C and betraying the finishing touches of Nicolau Nasoni, this palace set in beautiful gardens on a vast farm is considered to be one of the finest examples of baroque civil architecture in Portugal.Its interior (...)

    Telephone: +351 259 323 121
    Fax: +351 259 326 553
    E-mail: casademateus@casademateus.pt
    Website: http://www.casademateus.com

  4. Cortiça
Place: Alentejo
Photo: The Best Portugal
    The Best Portugal
    The Best Portugal is a company that offers the visitor unique and authentic experiences in Portugal, regarding food and wine, cultural touring and nature tourism. These experiences will be based on the proximity and on the direct contact with the (...)

    Telephone: +351 912 799 561
    E-mail: acaetan48@sapo.pt
    Website: http://www.thebestportugal.com

  5. Mapa Turístico
Place: Portugal
Photo: Mapa Turístico
    Touristic Map
    Find the best routes for discovering Portugal! Now in a larger format and containing more detailed information, this map will prove an indispensable companion for you on your travels.

  6. Praia de Mira
    Praia de Mira
    Known as the Palheiros (Huts) of Mira due to the wooden constructions used by the fishermen, throughout the first half of the 20th century Mira Beach was a fishing village with its daily life well depicted in the Ethnographic Museum exhibition to be (...)

  7. Sé de Lisboa 
Photo: Siginum
    Sé Catedral de Lisboa
    Dedicated to the Mother of God since 1147.Dedicated to the Mother of God, Lisbon Cathedral is one of the city's gems and one of the most significant monuments in the country, due to its historical, religious and artistic value. Its construction (...)

    Telephone: +351 218 866 752
    E-mail: info@sedelisboa.pt
    Website: http://www.sedelisboa.pt

  8. Fajã da Caldeira de Santo Cristo
Place: Ilha de São Jorge nos Açores
Photo: Rui Vieira
    São Jorge: the island of fajãs
    São Jorgeis an island of cliffs, crags and fajãs, one of the greenest in the Azores archipelago and the perfect place for a holiday in contact with nature and the sea.The island is 54km long and 6.9km at its widest point, and is part of the Central (...)

  9. Praia Fluvial de Poço Corga
Place: Castanheira de Pera
Photo: Aldeias do Xisto
    River beaches
    In the heat of summer, those who are looking for a different holiday in the middle of nature but don’t want to give up going for a swim can exchange the salty sea for the calm, fresh waters of the Portuguese rivers.The river beaches are the ideal (...)

  10. Praia das Maçãs
    Praia das Maçãs
    According to tradition, this Beach takes its origin from the maçãs (apples) that would wash up on its sands, carried down to the coast by the Ribeira de Colares river. Popular in the summer, the Beach covers a substantial area with space for a range (...)


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